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Notions of India

l  Sculpture

Location - Capital Cities

Year - 2020

Area - 144 Sft.

Status - Competition.

Once upon a time, there was a territory on the south side of Asia. It was rich and abundant.  People, culture, resources, food, valuables and most important of all – values. Constantly ruled over by different kings and emperors, the rule over this territory was the most valuable possession one can possess. As diverse as it was, apart from occasional wars and conflicts, people learnt to grow and live together in harmony with respect towards each other. Bound by common values in the name of religion, caste or territory or whatever the case may be, people took care of one another. The abundance of resources attracted foreigners, and what was supposed to be a trade deal started the most important chapter in Indian history. 


It happened, It was bound to happen, looking back now, it needed to happen. Colonization!

Fading out the adversity that took place during that period of history, an unforeseen event that never happened before took place. Due to all kinds of diversities, people never had a common thread that tied them together until colonization. For the first time putting all the diversity aside, people stood together and fought as one, with one idea on every mind, ‘Freedom and Independence’.



Anytime of the day

Well of Hope


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