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The Village

l Office Building

Location - Karnataka

Year - 2020

Area - 2000 Sqm

Status - Proposal

Think about it, in India we never had a dedicated formal space for an activity. Because our ancestors never really functioned in closed spaces. If we actually think about it, we never had a dedicated office space until the British arrived. Their arrival changed the way we live and function as Indians, thus, the spaces around us have evolved. We need to keep in mind that, this evolution did not happen out of necessity, it was more like an adaptation of the western lifestyle.

So, the question that I tried to answer through this design is ‘If we (Indians) had the necessity of an office space or a building, how would we shape it?’ Learning about our past, the most vital activity that bound our societies together for so long is the way we bond with each other. Communication and collaboration among different individuals have always bought communities together. During the good old days, these bondings took place around simple elements like ‘Shade under the tree’, ‘A sitting platform against a wall’, ‘Steps running down along the river or a lake’ can bring big changes to the way we bond as individuals. Translating such elements into a building would look something like ‘The Village’.  

The Village
Village Plan1
Village Plan 4
Village Plan2
Village Plan3
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